Welcome to Blackbird's Wiki, Currently in the process of Migrating Tweedle's Trove, and eventually will attempt to hold all sorts of public domain book excerpts, tutorials, and other interesting things found from across the internet.
Just a note
- This website is being run by an individual (Blackbird aka Tweedle) as a personal labour of love to ensure that accurate knowledge, free resources, and information is preserved, and passed on so that everyone can have access to learning and the information they need to make decisions, understand situations, and understand each other.
- I’m not a writer, and depending on if I’m having a good day or not with my illness I may not be able to form my sentences well so it comes out as word salad or I use the wrong words entirely. Please be kind if I do not word things well or offer much commentary at times. My ability to speak correctly is getting worse to the point of misnaming common household items, and swapping completely unrelated words for other ones, and it’s stressful enough dealing with that.
- In addition I also have severe memory loss that causes me to not be able to participate in discussions the way people might be used to, as well as causing me to forget conversations as I'm having them and important information. So this is why updates can be slow, because I forget what I'm doing or where I'm at and have to constantly recheck.
- This adds to my inability to understand things sometimes and/or have things click until much, MUCH later, so I may over explain things or ask what others may perceive as obvious questions. So much of my rules and policies regarding Blackbirds Rest and the Wiki are shaped by this.
All I'm asking is for a little leniency and understanding, as well as giving a heads up on what to expect. Please be kind.
Thank you,