Mississippi Resource Page
Rather than remove the museums and educational institutions from the list and ensuring people remain unawares, I will be adding notes to the resource links to let you know exactly which ones still areĀ holding on to the bodies and cultural artifacts of various tribes. This way, the issue cannot be swept under the rug, you can make your voice heard, and together we can pressure said institutions and ensure that they are held accountable for their actions.
Library Resources:
Social Services, Wellness, Mental Health, and Disability Resources:
Domestic Violence Resources:
Cultural, Educational, Historical, and Museum Resources:
- Mississippi Department of Archives and History (Note, Still Has a LOT of Unrepatriated Native American Remains and/or Artifacts in their collection, bug them about it.)
LGBTQIA2S+ Resources:
Legal Resources:
- Mississippi Center for Legal Services
- Mississippi Legal Services
- North Mississippi Rural Legal Services (offers free tax preparation by volunteers among other things)
Mutual Aid, Immigration, Environmental, and Social Justice Resources:
- Mississippi Rising Coalition
- Stewpot - Jackson Mississippi Resources
- Stewpot - Homeless Resource Guide PDF (has maps, tons of links, phone numbers, and addresses to crisis centers, free services, rehabs, and more)
- Tupelo Mutual Aid Project