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Public Domain Arts & Crafts Collection

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Public Domain Arts & Crafts Collection


Arts & Crafts


Excerpts from Public Domain Sewing manuals, embroidery pamphlets, basketry books, and more!

Collection Items

  • Page 1 of the National Garment Cutter's Book of Diagrams. Pattern for the collar, side back, and back of a "Ladies Basque" which is a type of high collared button up short jacket circa 1888. Text is as follows: LADIES' BASQUE. Use scale corresponding with the bust measure. Is in six pieces : Front, Back, Side-back, Collar, and two Sleeve portions. This Basque is drafted out upon the general plan of work. Draft Back first ; raise or lower the waist line to the desired length. Care should be taken to connect waist lines.
  • Page 2 of Weaving With Paper Rope.

    A guide on weaving baskets with paper rope and wire via 1922.

    Note on the text regarding the arrowhead stitch on page 27. This is a very common basketry weave, and if you decide to use it please do not call it Native American “inspired” or “Indian design” basketry. There are hundreds of different tribes, with many of the designs specific to those tribes and to the regions. Purchase baskets from actual Indigenous owned stores instead instead of giving money to people who steal, stereotype, and monetize another’s culture, or making “inspired” creations yourself that do the same.

Collection Tree

  • [Unavailable]
    • Public Domain Arts & Crafts Collection